Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dream Big

Leave a comment with your broken dreams… or the funniest ones you can think of.

Like, “I always wanted to be a lion tamer, but my stringy little arms were incapable of holding a chair for longer than a minute.”

Or, “I always wanted to be a firefighter, but my Dad already owned a hair salon, so…”

Make us all laugh.


  1. You two are amazing!!! Too cute. Are you saying astronauts don't compare to those boring accountants? -- just kidding.

  2. I wanted to be a professional soccer player, and now I'm an engineer. I'm not sure which is better. To be a professional athlete of a sport that no one cares about, or to be a geek that works on stuff no one can understand. It is unclear whether the outcome is better or worse than the dream. Someone influential in my life really needed to coach me on dreaming big.

  3. Evalee: I always stand firmly behind astronauts. My hypothesis is that one day they'll recognize this and let me "space" with them.

    Jennifer: Either way, you end up being interesting and inscrutable, so I say it was a win/win from the beginning. Your influential people were probably just in awe :)

  4. Inscrutable by most, but interesting to few. It's amazing I got married. --Dave

  5. wait a minute... who are we talkin' to here? Jen or Dave? This could take so many turns...

  6. I seriously have always wanted to be an accontant.

  7. This made me laugh out loud in the library. I'm so glad you sent me this link Kyle!

  8. I had a new answer for "what I want to be when I grow up" every time I was asked! So not the best person for sharing a story- but this cartoon made me laugh because my husband is studying to be an accountant, and I KNOW he never said that was his dream job when he was a kid. Seems to enjoy it now though- hope that continues :) (digital cultures classmate)
